This is a (review) tribute to a very good friend. The story goes like this...
One evening she decides to go out for a walk. She trips over the front door step, rolls her ankle and lands spectacularly on the floor. Her ankle balloons and she thinks maybe not tonight, so she turns around and goes back inside. Hobbling as she goes to offload her ankle she (perhaps even more spectacularly!) smashes her foot (toe first) straight in to the concrete step, landing back again on the floor. Cue two very sore feet & ankles and she's in A+E. 'Madam, you've done your Lisfranc'. But what is 'doing your Lisfrance'? and what on earth do you do next? Read on for the complexities of picking up a Lisfranc and what's next, happy reading...
P.S.: She promises me she wasn't drunk.
